Florence Bartolomei Roselli Library
We are proud to announce the release of, “Italian Women in Chicago, Volume II, Siamo arrivate! We have arrived!” A Casa Italia publication, highlighting accomplishments in a wide variety of fields, stories of spiritual faith, cultural influences and much more!
Click Here To Order The Book On Amazon
Casa Italia Library FaceBook Page
Italian Cultural Center at Casa Italia Library Video
The library is a rich source of materials and serves as a comprehensive resource center for research and study of Italy. Italian documents and general materials on Italian American people, organizations and institutions. The Library has a collection of over 3,000 volumes, more than 200 file folders of pamphlets, 113 oral history transcripts and various audio/visual materials.
It also offers a reading section with collections of works in both Italian and English of Italian authors, artists, historians and politicians as well as extensive information on Italy and Italians. Twenty-five percent of the books are printed in Italian.
We strive to be a resource not only to individuals, but also to schools, other libraries and organizations seeking information on Italian culture.
Archives of the Casa Italia Library – This page is a repository for materials deposited in the Florence Roselli Casa Italia Library including almost 100 oral history interviews that you can view as text and listen to as an audio file. To view a complete catalog of our shelf holdings visit Library Thing.
Immortalize YOUR Family in our Digital Archive
Please help us at the Roselli Library at Casa Italia to build a comprehensive archive of Chicago Italian Americana by becoming a Friend of the Library. Donate/share your family/community/club photos, documents, books, and memorabilia with the Casa Italia Library.
We seek items from the full history of Italians in Chicago 1850 – 2009.
You may email attachments of identified digital images (300 dpi jpg) to Candeloro@CasaItaliaChicago.org .